
Combining the Art of Photography and Adventure Travel


Costa Rica Blog Day 2 and 3 - Sat Feb 8 and Sun Feb 9, 2020

This morning we departed early for the mountain region of Monteverde. This morning’s drive was about three hours and we arrived in time for lunch. After checking into our hotel we had the afternoon to explore and photograph the birds and landscapes around our lodge. Enroute to our lodge we had one mid adventure while visiting a mountain look at my hat blew over the edge. That’s it gone … but after looking at the landscape of the hillside our guide Minor to the rescue. He climbed down and managed to bring it back up. The hero of the hour, he told me he as see that hat in too many photos and countries to see it lost. Thanks Minor.

Feb 9th after and early breakfast we headed out to photograph and explore at the Monteverda Cloud Forest Reserve. This rainforest is located at 4,600 feet above sea level and thus called the Cloud Forest. The rainforest offers up lush green colours due to the nearly 12 feet of rain annually. It is home to over 450 species of birds including the quetzal bird. This morning we were lucky enought to photograph the quetzal. This evening another unique photo opportunity a night walk thought the forest. We will share photos tomorrow night from the walk as it was late when we got in tonight to sort them for the blog. That’s it for the last two days update. Please enjoy tonights selection of images including some images shared by photographer guest Rob Paterson. Another day tomorrow in Monteverde.  Good night from Costa Rica.

Click here to see todays Gallery of Photos


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