
Combining the Art of Photography and Adventure Travel

Kenya and Namibia September 14 to October 4, 2025

Kenya and Namibia - "Photographing the Wild Side of Africa" 

Kenya is known, world-wide, for breathtaking beauty, natural wonders and spectacular wildlife for travellers from all over the world, combined with the beauty of Namibia with her beautiful desert landscapes and coastlines and you an exciting photo safari. 

Kenya is one of Africa’s greatest wildlife watching destinations, home to the Big Five. Which are the lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros. While in Kenya, one of safari camps will be the world famous Elephent Bedroom. You'll wake up to a heard of elephants visitng the river right in-front of your room deck. Namibia with the largest sand mass on Earth, the Kalahari Desert. It's vast semi desert of wiind-blown sand held by a sparse mantle thorn scrub making the largest continuous stretch of sand covering 9 African countires.

The primary focus of all adventure travel in Kenya and Namibia is the wildlife and landscapes, making the two countries great photo safari destinations. 

I look forward to you joining us in September of 2025 for our African photo adveture,


Kenya & Namibia Safari Registration Contact Us Terms & Conditions 



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Kenya and Namibia Safari September 14th to October 4th, 2025

Day One: Sunday Septemer 14th, 2025  Our motor coach departs London early morning for Pearson International airport offering guest pick-ups along the 401 corridor. Guests departing from the Toronto region will meet the group at Pearson International. Our flight departs at 10:20 a.m. for Nairobi, Kenya via Addis Ababa arriving the next day.

Day Two: Monday September 15th, 2025  Our flight arrives into Nairobi, Kenya at 1:00 p.m. JAMBO - KARIBU!! (Hello and Welcome). We will meet our guides with a traditional, unique & special welcome with bubbly, hot/cold towels and presentation of authentic safari hat and essentials. We will transfer to our hotel with time to settle in and relax before dinner. Our adventure begins. Two nights Hyatt Regency Westlands Hotel. (B)


Day Three: Tuesday September 16th, 2025  After breakfast we will visit the Daphne Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage. This centre has played a significant role in Kenya’s conservation efforts. The baby elephants are brought to the feeding and viewing area, here they you will be able to photograph me feeding and even from time to time taking a mud-bath. The orphanage offers hope for any orphaned baby elephant fortunate enough to be found alive and so far, it is proud to have saved over 150 orphaned infant elephants, which would otherwise have perished. The baby elephants are raised at the orphanage with the intention of gradually reintegrating them into the wild. The age range of the elephants can vary from a few months to three years. Each elephant is assigned to its own keeper, who acts as a surrogate mother and will stay with the elephant until it is released back into the wild.

After the elephant orphanage we will visit the renowned Rothschild Giraffe Centre, where we will be given a rare opportunity to get up close to these gentle giants in this natural sanctuary, which was founded to protect the endangered Rothschild giraffe. Here you are able to climb to the top of a platform and stand eye to eye with the giraffes and feed them with small pellets.

Lunch at Karen Blixen Coffee Garden Restaurant.

After lunch we will explore the Karen Blixen Museum for a glimpse into the fascinating world of this pioneer coffee farmer, who achieved world fame through her highly-acclaimed memoir, “Out of Africa”. She left Africa after a series of personal tragedies and her lovely colonial house has been preserved as a museum. Set in expansive gardens, the Karen Blixen Museum is an interesting place to wander around. At approximately 4:00 p.m. we will return to our hotel to freshen up some time to relax before dinner. Our second night Hyatt Regency Westlands Hotel. (B) (L)

Day Four: Wednesday September 17th, 2025  Samburu Game Reserve  After breakfast, we will drive further north to the Samburu National Reserve, set in the rugged semi-arid northern region with spectacular scenic landscape. Upon arrival, we will be met by the camp’s representative and transferred to the camp to a warm welcome then lunch, short siesta before heading for an afternoon game viewing drive. The verdant riverine forest is a stark contrast to the arid thorn studded plains. The Samburu region is the best place to find several endemic Northern species; including the Gerenuk (twiga gazelle) due to her long neck, the beisa Oryx, the Reticulated Giraffe, the Somali ostrich and Grevy’s Zebra. Samburu is also an ornithological paradise, home to many birds including local species such as the Palm Nut Vulture and the Vivacious Dove. Leopards are often seen at dusk. The Samburu culture is a truly fascinating one, sharing a great deal of ancestral and linguistic ties to the Maasai. The entire Samburu region is a place of breath taking and magical beauty, a place where the vision of a deep red sunset silhouetting the doum palms along the river as a leopard emerges to hunt brings the perfect end to a day on safari ... Dinner and overnight at the camp. Elephant Bedroom Safari Camp (B) (L) (D)


Day Five: Thursday September 18th, 2025   Samburu Game Reserve After breakfast our day will be spent in Samburu with morning and afternoon game viewing drives in Samburu. This game reserve provides some of the best and most colourful game viewing in the country. The Ewaso Nyiro River which meanders through the vast, dry, doum palm dominated reserve brings life along the green, scenic river banks, home and refuge to many wildlife. Meals and overnight at our camp. Overnight Samburu - Elephant Bedroom Safari Camp (B) (L) (D) 


Day Six: Friday September 19th, 2025  Flight from Samburu to Masai Mara National Park  After breakfast, we will depart for Airstrip located close to our lodge and fly to Masai Mara National Park. It is perhaps the only region left in Kenya where the visitor may see animals in the same super-abundance as existed a century ago. Enjoy a game viewing drive enroute to our camp. Arrive for lunch and some relaxation time. In the afternoon we will proceed on another game viewing drive in this vast and expansive reserve teeming with game. Mara game reserve is famous for her big five; the most sought after in the early 20th century, when Kenya was a hunters' paradise. These include the lion, Cape buffalo, the savanna elephant, black rhino and the elusive leopard. The vast savanna grasslands as far as the eye can see is home to impalas, Maasai giraffes, waterbucks, warthogs, Thompson & Grants gazelles, topis, the resident wildebeests among many others. Dinner and overnight at our lodge. Mara Serena Safari Lodge (B) (L) (D)

Day Seven: Saturday September 20th, 2025  Masai Mara National Park Over the next two days, we will continue to photograph and explore the extensive game viewing regions of the Masai Mara. We will have offer guests an optional hot air balloon safari and champange breakfast. On one of the two days we will travel with packed lunch boxes for a full day of game viewing. Be on the look-out for the big five that Maasai Mara is famous for. These include the lion, savannah (African) elephant, the Cape buffalo, the leopard and the black rhino. We may even be so lucky to witness a leopard or a cheetah sprint and make a kill! We return back to the lodge for dinner and overnight. Mara Serena Safari Lodge (B) (L) (D) Optional Hot Air Ball Safari and champange breakfest. Please select this option when completing registration the cost is $500 USD.


Day Eight: Sunday September 21st, 2025  Masai Mara Game Reserve  Breakfast and then we will continue to photograph and explore the extensive game viewing regions of the Masai Mara. Again be on the look-out for the big five that Maasai Mara is famous for as we continue to explore different regions of the national park. Again these include the lion, Savannah (African) elephant, the Cape buffalo, the leopard and the black rhino. Included with your tour we will visit a traditional Masai Manyatta (off the beaten track) and experience the culture of this world famous community. The Masai still live as they did for centuries -interact with these nomadic people and experience their way of life as you learn about their customs and traditions. We return back to the lodge for dinner and overnight. Mara Serena Safari Lodge (B)(L)(D) This will be the rain day for optional Hot Air Ball Safari and champagne breakfast. (B) (L) (D)

Day Nine: Monday September 22nd, 2025  Masai Mara Game Reserve - return drive to Nairobi - Breakfast, check-out and our return drive to Nairobi. For lunch on arrival we will visit to The World-Famous Carnivore Restaurant for lunch. After lunch afternoon check into our hotel for some time to relax, reorganize our luggage and prepare for the second leg of our journey, our flight to Windhoek, Namibia. Tonight we will attend a farewell dinner at the home of the Manji family. Overnight Hyatt Regency Westlands Hotel (B) (L) (D)


Day Ten: Tuesday September 23rd, 2025 - Flight from Niarobi, Kenya to Windhoek, Namibia - Early breakfast, check-out and transfer to Niarobi airport for our flight to Windhoek, Namibia. We will arrive in Namibia early afternoon. We will meet our guide and driver and drive to Into Afrika Zebra Lodge, our first lodge in Namibia. (B) (D)

Day Eleven: Wednesday September 24th, 2025 - Breakfast ... Check out of our lodge and travel into the largest sand mass on Earth, the Kalahari Desert. The Kalahari is a vast semi desert of wind-blown sand held by a sparse mantle of thorn scrub making it the largest continuous stretch of sand covering 9 African countries. Unlike other true deserts, the Kalahari does receive erratic rainfall. For many therefor “thirstland” is a more fitting description. Lacking permanent surface water, the Kalahari is a challenging place to live except for those who have adapted to not only survive but flourish here. The Bushmen refer to it as the “Soul of the World”, an emotive description for this area! With its deep red sand dunes and endless grass plains interspersed with acacia’s and shrubs, it is still home to a surprising large amount of specially adapted wildlife. We'll check into our lodge and have time to explore the regions. Enjoy the experience to the red dunes, wildlife and plants, in this desert environment on the sundowner. Quivetree Forest Camp (B) (D)


Day Twelve: Thursday September 25th, 2025 -  Quivertree Forest  Breakfeast ... One of the most interesting and exciting activities on Intu Afrika is an hour long ‘Bushman Walk’ in the Kalahari landscape. The term ‘Bushman’ now referred to as the San people, refers to the nomadic hunter-gatherers indigenous to this area. The San People know the Kalahari Desert better than any other human beings and have survived the dry conditions for generations. They have studied nature and know where to find food and water in the harsh conditions of the unrelenting and unforgiving desert landscapes. They are hunter-gatherers, hunting with bows and arrows, trapping small animals and eating edible roots and berries and they eagerly demonstrate this to guests. What makes this phenomenal experience is the click language that the San use to express themselves and with dramatic illustrations, guests are able to communicate with and understand the interesting information the San people share. 

After our Bushmans Walk, we will travel via the town of Mariental to just north of Keetmanshoop where we will find a photographer’s paradise.  The Quiver tree Forest and Giants playground. While visiting this region we will have sunrise and sunset opportunities in the forest plus after dinner we will go out into desert and have a chance to do some star tracking photography. Canyon Village Lodge (B) (D)


Day Thirteen: Friday September 26th, 2025: Early breakfast and sunrise visit to the Quiver tree forest (National Namibian Monument) and the beautiful rock formations at Giant’s Playground. After departing from the Quiver Tree Forest Rest camp, one returns onto the B1 and proceed northwards to the Garas quiver trees.  Here you are welcomed by quirky man-made sculptures of scrap metal which set a contrast to this serene, timeless space with Quiver trees and aloes nestled amongst huge dolerite boulders, stacked in a mysterious way, the area is also aptly referred to as “Giant’s Playground”. After tour second visit to the Quiver tree forest sightseeing we will travel back to Keetmanshoop and continue via Naute Dam. En route to Lüderitz, we pass Aus and a short stop at the Garab waterhole where one hopes to find the Wild Horses of the Namib. If time allows, we will stop at the Ghost Town for a tour before checking into your hotel. (Last tour is at 11.00) Enjoy an orientation city tour of Lüderitz as well as the different bays within this area. Dinner at our hotel. Nest Hotel (B) (D)

Day Fourteen: Saturday September 27th, 2025:  Breakfast then we head out on a Cruise around Lüderitz. Join us for an unforgettable trip on the Penguin catamaran to Halifax Island, home of a colony of African penguins. Passing the old whaling station at Stromvogelbucht, we cruise through Shearwater bay and around Diaz Point, on route to Halifax Island. On the trip, expect to see a host of marine wildlife which includes-heavy side dolphins, birds, seals and on occasion, whales. After our boat cruise, we will visit the Kolmanskop Ghost Town. After becoming one of the richest towns in Africa during a diamond boom in 1910, Kolmanskop was left by all inhabitants in the following decades. Kolmanskop became a ghost town in the desert. Situated only 15 km east of the harbour town of Lüderitz, Kolmanskop used to be a small railway station in 1908, when the railway between Lüderitz and Keetmanshoop was built. As far as legend has it the station derived its name from a Nama man named Coleman, who got stuck at the site with his ox waggon and consequently died of thirst. Return to Lüderitz where the remainder of the afternoon is at leisure. Dinner at our hotel. Nest Hotel (B) (D)


Day Fifteen: Sunday September 28th, 2025: Sossusvlei / Namib Desert After an early breakfast we travel across wide open plains north along the Tiras Mountain range to our lodge in the Namib Desert. Our Lodge is located in close proximity to Sesriem Gate, the gateway to Sossusvlei, Dead Vlei and Sesriem Canyon, with some of the highest sand dunes on Earth towering over the white desert plains. If there is sufficient time, one can visit the Sesriem Canyon before returning to our lodge to finish up for dinner. Dinner at our Lodge. Dead Valley Lodge (B) (D)

Day Sixteen: Monday September 29th, 2025: The morning demands an early start. (Due to being inside the park, we are able to drive to the vlei 1 hours prior to sunrise. Entering the Namib Naukluft National Park with sunrise, the first rays of sunlight paint the mountains of sand into a variety of apricot, red and orange, contrasted against a crisp blue skyline, enrapturing our senses, and providing an opportunity to capture this awesome landscape on camera; Be captivated by the surreal Deadvlei surrounded by some of the highest dunes on earth and Sossusvlei, where the dry Tsauchab River ends abruptly amongst dunes. Take the opportunity to walk up one of these majestic dunes to admire the desert landscape beneath. Then on for a visit to Sesriem Canyon, a life sustaining natural phenomenon in the heart of the Namib Desert. The heat of mid day we'll return to the lodge for lunch and time to relax. Dinner at our Lodge. Dead Valley Lodge (B) (L) (D)


Day Seventeen: Tuesday September 30th, 2025: After breakfast we continue our journey approaching a little settlement called Solitaire on the edge of the Namib Naukluft National Park, feeling like you have arrived in the middle of nowhere. Here it is worthwhile to enjoy a cup of coffee with the delightful apple-pie written about in so many travel books Continue travelling via the desolate, rolling hills of the Ghaub Pass and the Kuiseb Valley towards the Atlantic Ocean. Reaching the coastal harbour town of Walvis Bay, we visit the shallow lagoon, one of the most important wetland areas on the African continent and a RAMSAR World Heritage Site. Over 80% of the African flamingos feed in this lagoon and present a breath-taking picture when they appear in groups.Continuing along the scenic route between the dune belt and the Atlantic Ocean we reach Swakopmund, where the rest of the day is spent at leisure. With palm-lined streets and seaside promenades, Swakopmund is a popular holiday destination in Namibia. Dinner at our Lodge. Beach Lodge for 2 nights. (B) (L) (D)

Day Eighteen: Wednesday October 1st, 2025: Breakfast ... Swakopmund is often referred to as the “playground of Namibia” and it has numerous activities ranging from, adventure to exploring the fascinating features of the Namib Desert and the animals and plants that occur and survive here.  Embrace the relaxed pace of this idyllic coastal town whilst enjoying coffee and freshly baked pastries in one of the many café’s. We'll have time to get the feel of this quaint town with its historic buildings, museums, shopping arcades and beach bar that has transformed into its own personality by the vibrant use of colour and the bohemian. We will have some leisure time before preparing for our jourey home to Canada. This evening dinner at our Lodge. Beach Lodge (B) (L) (D) 


Day Nighteen: Thursday October 2nd, 2025: After breakfast we travel back through the centre of the country exposing bushland savannah to the capital in the centre of the country. En-route we may stop at the famous wood carvers’ market in Okahandja or the craft market in the main street in Windhoek to pick up a last few souvenirs. Reaching Windhoek mid afternoon. Windhoek is a cosmopolitan melting pot of European architecture with African culture, with a variety of good restaurants to choose from. Check-in to our hotel and enjoy farewell dinner with our guide. Avani Windhoek Hotel. (B) (D)

Day Twenty: Friday October 3rd and Saturday October 4, 2025: After breakfast check-out and transfer to Windhoek airport for our journey back to Canada. Our connecting overing flight will see us arriving at Pearson Airport the following morning. After clearing customs we will say goodbye to connecting and GTA giuests and board our coach for the retrun drive to London arriving at apporximately 11:00 a.m.



Kenya Safaris and Namabia offers up some of the most spectacular photo opportunitiesthat africa has to offer. The temperatures in Kenya remain fairly constant year round with an average daily temperature of 25C to 27C in Namibia average daily temperature of 28C to 30C. The Namibian desert regions can get quick warm and we will limit activities to early morning and late evening. Two great locaions to amazing places for photograpy.

Pre-tour Information Night:  As with all our photo tours, we will hold a photo information night approximately three weeks prior to departure. We will present the final itinerary, travel suggestions, what gear to pack, and hand out all related travel documents. The pre-tour presentation is designed to give our photographers all the information needed for our trek. This also allows a chance for you to meet your fellow travellers, and host. The date will be set closer to our departure. 


Kenya & Namibia Registration  Contact Us  Terms & Conditions  Privacy Policy


The cost of our Kenya and Namibia Photo Tour is $16,875.00 per person CAD based on double occupancy including air via Ethiopian Airlines, plus air taxes of $879.77 CAD and $15.73 HST. Single supplement available for an additional $2,225.00 CAD.

A non refundable deposit of $550.00 CAD is required at time of booking. Final payment is due 60 days prior to departure July 15th, 2025. We recommend the purchase of travel and health insurance as this tour takes us out of the country.

More ways to pay ... Equal monthly payments from deposit day to 90 days prior to departure charged to your credit card or finance though our Uplift Finance Program and pay over 6 month, 12 month  or 18 month payments. You may choose your payment option during registration. 

Photo Tour Trekkers and Tourcan Vacations recommends the purchase of travel and health insurance as tour takes us out of the country. Health insurance is highly recommended. Please note your passport expiry date must be valid for 6 months past our return date of October 4, 2025.

Your tour includes:

    • Round trip motor coach to Pearson Airport, Toronto
    • Departures from London & Woodstock, other pick up point please inquire
    • Round Trip Airfare via Ethiopian Airlines
    • Internal Fligjts Kenya to Namibia - Namibia - Addis
    • Internal Flights Samburu to Masai Mara
    • All airport and hotel transfers
    • Hyatt Regency Nairobi Westlands Hotel 2 nights
    • Accommodations and meals during our tour, as specified in our itinerary
    • Private meet and greet in Jomo Kenyatta with traditional welcome
    • Private 4x4 safari land cruisers with guaranteed window seats for our photographers
    • All games drives as per itinerary
    • Vist to off the Beaten Track Masai Manyatta Village
    • Park entry fees in Kenya and Namibia
    • Boat excursion to see the Penguins in Wovis Bay
    • Unlimited bottled water supplied in your safari vehicle during game drives and transfers,
    • Flying Doctor Medical Evacuation Services while in East Africa (does not cover Drs. fees, hospitalization, drugs, consultants fee, etc.)
    • Tour hosted and escorted by photographer James Cowie


  •  Alcoholic beverages, laundry and tips.
  •  Tourist Visa Fees (we will assist with applications and processing)
  •  Optional Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride and Champagne Breakfast (choose at signup) 

            * Policy dose not allow us to do residental pickup































































Current Tours

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Future Tours
James Cowie at Photo Tour Trekkers / Tourcan Vacations            Katherine Hirtzel at Photo Tour Trekkers / Tourcan Vacations
1-800-263-2995 ext 2688 or 416-391-0334 ext 2688                  1-800-263-2995 ext 2683 or 416-391-0334 ext 2683
or by email james(at)                                    or by email katherineh(at)