
Combining the Art of Photography and Adventure Travel


Galapagos Islands Blog - We would like you to join us and follow our Galapagos Islands blog as we explore and photograph one of the most interesting and beautiful series of islands on earth. We will be spending our first few days in Quito, Ecuador then flying to the islands to board our own private yacht to experience the islands. On this tour we will be visiting the north most island of Genovesa home of the Red Footed Boobie. Check back each day as we post updates of our Galapagos Islands adventure.

Links to our daily blog:

Day 8 & 9 San Cristobal, Lobos and our return home

Day 7 Blog Post: Day 9 Espanola and the Wide Winged Albatross

Day 6 Blog Post: Day 8 Island of Floreana & Post Office Bay

Day 5 Blog Post: Santa Cruz Darwin Centre & Giant Tortoise Highlands

Day 4 Blog Post: Island of Bartolome and Sullivan Bay

Day 3 Blog Post: Island of Genovesa and the Red Footed Boobie

Day 2 Blog Post: Arrival in the Galapagos and North Seymour

Day 1 Blog Post: 3 Days in Quito


Please add a comment

Posted by Carolyn on Dec 14th, 2017

I wil look forward to travelling theGalapagos with
you through your pictures. AZNtRs 

Posted by marilyn mcrorie on Dec 14th, 2017

Thank you for posting such interesting and beautiful photographs. 

Posted by Debi on Dec 15th, 2017

Can't wait to see more! 

Posted by Robin Baslaw on Dec 25th, 2017

These photos are so incredible. Thank you for posting 


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